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electronicTrial Masterfile

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Clinical trial file management & eTMF submission

Web-based platform leading all participants to systematically prepare and complete an audit-proof GCP-compliant trial master file


1.Assemble data into compliant template structure

2.Collaborate virtually into one integrated result

3.Automatic storage of full history

4.Easy date- or object-related navigation



Error-minimizing via intuitive template structure

Easy-to-use for all stakeholders

Effective risk management via integrated audit trail navigation and upfront regulatory training

Time reduction for all participants in search, editing assembly of docs + quick-finding of historic events

Investigator Site File (ISF) reconciliation option 



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Dies ist deine Leistungsseite. Das ist die ideale Möglichkeit, um mehr Details zu den angebotenen Leistungen zu teilen. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld, um Inhalte zu bearbeiten und füge relevante Infos für deine Besucher hinzu.

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